However, Quidditch fans be warned: despite the many Quidditch posters littered around the castle, it’s firmly off the menu. These animals will also provide raw materials to be used in crafting and Potions, such as milk and fur - and even better, if you want you can even breed your own animal babies, making this a firm favourite with everybody who’s ever loved Pokémon. The Room of Requirement’s Vivarium is where you can collect, tame and train your own animal posse, including cats, Hippogriffs, Thestrals, Mooncalves and Graphorns (some of which, like Hippogriffs, you can ride others, like Chinese Chomping Cabbages, you can deploy in battle against enemies). However, it’s the animals that have gotten most fans excited and to that end Hogwarts Legacy has plenty to offer. Be aware, though: it’s only available with the Hogwarts Legacy Deluxe Edition or the Collector’s Edition. Later on (in addition to battling the baddies littered around Hogwarts and its grounds) you can also join the Dark Arts Battle Arena to battle fearsome AI enemies. In terms of duelling, there are several ways you can indulge your passion for it: towards the start of the game you’ll unlock the ability to play at the Crossed Wands duelling club, where you can pit your abilities against fellow students and work on chaining spell combos together against practice dummies. Ready player one: The games to get excited for in 2023.Harry Potter fans listen to Audible audiobooks for one billion hours.There are also ‘fast travel’ points available via handily-placed ‘Floo Flame’ markers.
It’s a big old world: fortunately, Hogwarts Legacy also lets you zip around the landscape with a broomstick or even a Hippogriff, rending travel nice and easy.

The grounds around Hogwarts is also teeming with nasties to defeat: giant spiders are lurking in old caverns, and Dugbogs stand ready to attack if you stumble across them at the wrong time- though learning spells that they’re vulnerable to, like Incendio, should help with that.
If you’re really keen, there are also the Trials of Merlin: easily-solvable mini-quests hidden around the landscape that let you unlock extra gear slots or upgrade spells - and there are also numerous bandit camps populated with rogue goblins and baddies for you to take out. Alongside finding tiny wizarding hamlets populated with merchants, civilians and loot boxes, there are also crumbling ruins and dungeons that need solving in order to find the treasure hidden at their centres. Speaking of which, these Highlands are simply bursting with things to do. New West End Company BRANDPOST | PAID CONTENT.